Sunday, February 13, 2011

focusing on Him

Hmmm I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but here I go!

I finished reading chapter 3 this afternoon.  So far, what has struck me the most is Wright's emphasis on God and what He can do.  I realized that over the past year, I've been focused on ("obsessed with" might be a more accurate expression) what I have done and what I can do.  When reflecting on Philippians 4:13 my emphasis has been on the "I can" rather than "through Him who gives me strength."

While reading through Abraham's journey (Gen 12-22) yesterday, it was amazing to see how many times God asked Abraham to trust Him.  From journeying to an entirely foreign land to sacrificing his "only son" (it just struck me now that God called Isaac Abe's only son...what about Ishmael?), Abraham was asked to trust God completely, over and over again.  And Abraham did.  It made me wonder if Abe had moments of doubt throughout the years, if his laughing when the angel told him that he was going to have a son at a super old age was a display of doubt or if he completely believed it and just thought that God had a great sense of humor.  Anyway, what also struck me was how many times God reiterated and reminded Abe His Great Promise- that Abe's descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.  I realize now how impossible and perhaps ridiculous that may have sounded to Abe at various points in his life- when he and Sarah were way past childbearing age, when God asks Abe to sacrifice Isaac ('...but Lord, what about the numerous descendants dealio??'), etc.  Yet God repeats His promise over and over again, we know that He's kept His end of the covenant.

So this week, my goal and prayer is the focus on what HE has promised and what HE can do.  I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

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